
In this section, you will find delicious recipes for you to enjoy with your family, thanks to our quality products.



Rice Pudding

by | Oct 14, 2024


  • 1 cup of Espiga de Oro White Rice
  • 1 liter of whole milk
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • Shell of one lemon
  • Cinnamon powder (Optional)


  1. Place the rice, lemon peel, cinnamon sticks, and milk in a saucepan.
  2. When it has heated without boiling, stir every five minutes to ensure that the rice does not stick and to release the starch.
  3. After 45 minutes, when the rice is almost tender, add the sugar. Let cook for 10 more minutes until the rice has reached the desired doneness.
  4. Turn off the heat and remove the lemon peels, mix well and allow to warm.
  5. When the rice is lukewarm, serve and add cinnamon powder to taste.



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